Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 1 Trees

So I have been super excited all week to start my photo challenge. Once today rolled around I wasn't as excited and then realized hey its going to work. This is going to be a challenge. A challenge to make myself focus on something else other than work and worries. A small chunk of time for just me and my camera. Ahhhh pure bliss! Taking photos is very calming for me. Its like being in water. It gives me a chance to clear my head.
Trees! One of my favorite parts about nature... other than the sky. It was extremely difficult for me to decide on a photo. Trees offer so many different things to capture its hard to choose one. I love the roots.... the life source. Strangely enough that is not what my photo is of. I chose a close up of a knot. Maybe I am relating to the knots the most right now. They are a scar but add so much character to the tree. I'm scared and yet surviving.

Stephanie Robertson

Charlotte Cunningham

Tiffany Link

Stephanie Johanesen

Hopefully I get a photo or two back from someone but even if I don't I enjoyed the challenge today. Tomorrow is laughter... I haven't decided how I am going to interpret that but I have a few ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Here's mine!/photo.php?pid=7187092&id=822927003&ref=fbx_album
